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Jesus' Last Will and Testament
John 17 
Dr. Ramona B. Jolly
Book is available in hardback when ordering from Xulon through the above link.
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Author biography -
Ramona B. Jolly has an earned Ph.D. in Christian Education and Administration.  In 1993-1994 she and her family lived in Kenya, East Africa as missionaries.  It was in Africa that the purposes of God burst forth in her in bigger than life experiences.  During this time a passion to serve Christ and flow in the purposes He foreordained was birthed. That passion remains to this day.
In 1999 Ramona and her husband established YAHshua International, Inc., a 501(c)(3), to facilitate the ministries He has called them to.  During a time of great trial when her husband was battling for his life with two kinds of leukemia raging in his body, she learned that Father-God could be trusted with life so precious.  This was the beginning of a deep, true relationship with Him.  Ramona and Billy have 3 children and two grandchildren.
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To order:   Dr. Ramona B. Jolly, PO Box 882, Perryville, AR 72126

Book (Paperback)         $15.99
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